Thursday, August 15, 2019

National Identity

I agree that education has succeeded in fostering a positive sense of national identity. To both the citizens of Singapore and international bodies, a strong national Identity of Singapore would be the multiracial society we have and still being able to live harmoniously with one another. From the sass, various schemes were Introduced in bid to bring together students from the different language streams.One such scheme was the integrated schools, whereby schools from deference language streams were brought together on one compound and ran by one administration. The first Integrated government school was Buick Panging Government High School, which managed to bring together the English and Chinese streams under one roof. Also, measures were taken to place the different language streams on equal footing, for example, by Introducing common examinations.Before the scheme was Introduced, there was no universal education for children of all races and background, resulting In lesser children attending schools then. However, with the scheme introduced, children of all races and backgrounds can grow and learn together in harmony, without any form of biasness. The national pledge recited in school daily by both teachers and students is also another way of fostering the same national identity.It is stated in the pledge that ‘we, the citizens of Singapore, pledge ourselves as one united people, regardless of race, language or religion'. This is said at the beginning of the pledge, emphasizing its importance. The pledge would have been explained by teachers when students first entered primary school and with the constant recitation of the pledge, it is inevitable for the pledge to be deeply engraved in our minds, and the pledge, in our hearts, reciting it every morning, inanely pledging to abide by it.In Singapore, moral and national education is taught to students throughout the whole of their primary school and secondary school lives. According to the revised Moral a nd National Education Curriculum Guide published in June 2012, one of the aims stated for the subject is to develop a recognition of identity. On 13 October 2010, Chief Executive Donald Tsars stated in the â€Å"Policy Address 2010-2011 † that moral and national education would replace the current moral and civic education in order to ‘strengthen national education'.This shows how national identity is a big part of education and that the government Is constantly trying to further improve the lessons, In order to Include more national education related topics, to Inculcate a positive national identity In the students from a young age. National Identity By Toxin identity of Singapore would be the multiracial society we have and still being able to introduced in bid to bring together students from the different language streams. One such scheme was the integrated schools, whereby schools from difference administration.The first integrated government school was Buick Pangin g streams on equal footing, for example, by introducing common examinations. Before the scheme was introduced, there was no universal education for children of all races and background, resulting in lesser children attending schools then. However, shows how national identity is a big part of education and that the government is constantly trying to further improve the lessons, in order to include more national education related topics, to inculcate a positive national identity in the students from National Identity National identity affects the culture of India National identity refers to the individual’s sense of belonging to it. National identity may refer two people with different in personalities, geographical locations, belief systems, time and even spoken language, yet regard themselves and be seen by others as members f the same nation. The national identity is created and constructed it may not necessarily be false, as there is a constant agreement on the existence, if not on the definition of the nation as an entity. National identity is desired to see us in the nation, but nationhood also arises out of a wish to make sense of our world, to have our place in it legitimized. National identity is a fundamental means of self-definition. In other words national identity is often taken to mean a shared structure of feeling, largely imagined consciousness that is reinforced both through life’s daily routines as well as through ritualized, symbol-laden, celebrations of nationhood. Nevertheless, the negotiation of a national identity is a continuous and entirely voluntary process, which demands inclusively and the fair representation of peoples and cultures. National identity is about on a foundation of fact and fiction that together form an account or story of origins, myth, tradition, and invented tradition are systematically employed towards the making of a common ancestry. The basis for shared belongings and a distinctive identity vis-avis the identity of other nation–states. Therefore national identity is the sense of belonging nurtured by a commonly shared history, cultural continuity and belief in a national destiny (Cameron, 1999). National identity and Indian culture National identity in India was seen as individualizing each individual in terms of the globalization, religious nationalism and insecurity. India, with its multitudinous cultures, is fast shedding the mantle of its old identities and poised to wear new ones when Mahatma Gandhi said, â€Å" India lives in its village â€Å" he meant national identity. India has the largest population villages and towns in the world. Whereby, 70% of its citizens live in villages. This shows that Indians dominates in village and agriculture contribution to its annual GPD, since that no much as been changed since Gandhi’s time. In social, Indians regions have remained either romantic or colonial, both of which are nonexistent. A national identity may be a transient thing. But, what remains when nothing else will is an Indian sensibility. This is woven in each and every nuance of life that an Indian sees around himself. From sharing the connotations of the color red to the understanding of the mechanics of living within a society, the fact is that this knowledge exists within the framework of Indians values. This understanding that is uniquely called an Indian â€Å"sensitivity†, is what defines India. The sensitivity of Indian people is what means neighbors extend help and support to each other when they can live peaceful and unobtrusive lives. The social impact that the nation identity has brought into the regions is that Indians have been reared to live within a community in an interactive co-existing manner (Ganti, 2004). The culture change of Indians has been brought up by foreign adverts that used through medias, cinemas, but Indian audience does not cultivate the international taste, this is because majority prefer cinemas that they can relate to the change of culture of Indian which was due to the westernized nationalism where some of the Indians admired the character of Hitler, where it was known that Hitler attempt to reconcile change and continuing by taking of roots and traditions in a situation of industrialization and urbanization. This was for the Hindutva practice, whereby issues regarding national anthems, dress and foreign foods are given prominence, while profound social changes continue to affect every day life as before. The national identity formation in Indian culture was seen as expiring the Indian culture where it was affected by the globalization. The cultural heads in India like shanty Kumar’s Gandhi examined how cultural imagination of nation identity have been transformed by the rapid growth of satellite and cable television in postcolonial India. This group evaluated the growing influence of foreign and domestic satellite and cable channels are the major contributors that are going to affect the culture of Indian people. Kumar argues that India hybrid national identity is manifested in the discourses found in this variety of empirical sources (Menon, 2007).   He formed a group of representative in the nation and regional level that can promote the Indian languages in term of vernacular where media groups allocate some programs that encourage the use of national identity. In India minority has been used to describe people like the Dalits who are numerically significant but who, for politico-ideological reasons have been denied their right to full citizenship. Indians authority arrived at a point of allowing the mosaic of peoples and nations within a nation-state to enjoy pull rights to culture and communication. There are two aspects, which are centralized to the making and maintenance of national identity. Firstly the right to culture-the inalienable right to every nation irrespective of its status, to practice, express, promote its identity as a community provided that this does not infringe the rights of other nation to do the same. In other words an individual person rights needs to be located within a cultural of right is what sustains national identity. India is a tough case for any scholar trying to develop a general theory of nationalism, and with few exceptions, it does not figure in general introductory texts on the field. India is hardly a station cultural similarity or even equality in the western state: it is a country with deep embedded hierarchies and a very considerable degree of internal cultural variations (Juluri, 2004). References Cameron, K. (1999). National Identity. Intellect Books. Juluri, V. (2004). Becoming a Global Audience Longing and Belonging in Indian. Onent Longman. Menon, M. M. (2007). Cultural History of Modern India. Bergnahn Books. Ganti, T. (2004). Bolly Wood: A Guidebook to popular Hinds cinema. Routledge. National Identity I agree that education has succeeded in fostering a positive sense of national identity. To both the citizens of Singapore and international bodies, a strong national Identity of Singapore would be the multiracial society we have and still being able to live harmoniously with one another. From the sass, various schemes were Introduced in bid to bring together students from the different language streams.One such scheme was the integrated schools, whereby schools from deference language streams were brought together on one compound and ran by one administration. The first Integrated government school was Buick Panging Government High School, which managed to bring together the English and Chinese streams under one roof. Also, measures were taken to place the different language streams on equal footing, for example, by Introducing common examinations.Before the scheme was Introduced, there was no universal education for children of all races and background, resulting In lesser children attending schools then. However, with the scheme introduced, children of all races and backgrounds can grow and learn together in harmony, without any form of biasness. The national pledge recited in school daily by both teachers and students is also another way of fostering the same national identity.It is stated in the pledge that ‘we, the citizens of Singapore, pledge ourselves as one united people, regardless of race, language or religion'. This is said at the beginning of the pledge, emphasizing its importance. The pledge would have been explained by teachers when students first entered primary school and with the constant recitation of the pledge, it is inevitable for the pledge to be deeply engraved in our minds, and the pledge, in our hearts, reciting it every morning, inanely pledging to abide by it.In Singapore, moral and national education is taught to students throughout the whole of their primary school and secondary school lives. According to the revised Moral a nd National Education Curriculum Guide published in June 2012, one of the aims stated for the subject is to develop a recognition of identity. On 13 October 2010, Chief Executive Donald Tsars stated in the â€Å"Policy Address 2010-2011 † that moral and national education would replace the current moral and civic education in order to ‘strengthen national education'.This shows how national identity is a big part of education and that the government Is constantly trying to further improve the lessons, In order to Include more national education related topics, to Inculcate a positive national identity In the students from a young age. National Identity By Toxin identity of Singapore would be the multiracial society we have and still being able to introduced in bid to bring together students from the different language streams. One such scheme was the integrated schools, whereby schools from difference administration.The first integrated government school was Buick Pangin g streams on equal footing, for example, by introducing common examinations. Before the scheme was introduced, there was no universal education for children of all races and background, resulting in lesser children attending schools then. However, shows how national identity is a big part of education and that the government is constantly trying to further improve the lessons, in order to include more national education related topics, to inculcate a positive national identity in the students from National Identity India is a democratic country after it gained its   independence in 1947 from British who ruled India for nearly two centuries.     India is popularly known as a Hindu nation which has various Gods and Goddesses for praise and worship and celebrates quite a number of religious festivals every year which carries different cultures and traditions for practicing rituals.   India practices caste, creed and religion system   and multi-regional language system where each State which are totally 29 in number, carry a unique and distinct language which is spoken only by local resident people of that State and there are only 5 percent people in India who speak English. India is the second most popular country in the world which has a population of 1.1 billion people as per the records of 2007. India’s economy is 12th largest in the world   and its government is headed by Prime Minister and cabinet ministers who form economic policies of the government. There are democratic parties in India under various leaderships which campaign for votes every five years for winning the term elections. Official view For whichever party gets majority of votes in an election comes into the leadership to form National Government for a term of five years.   India has a Constitutional Law and Judicial Law apart from Administrative Laws and Economic Laws and Policies. India’s national identity is its national flag   in tri- colours viz., saffron indicates   courage, sacrifice, the white indicates   purity and truth, green indicates   faith and fertility and in the midst of the flag there is a wheel in navy blue color which is termed as Dharma Chakra indicating the wheel of law which has 24 spikes in it. The national flag of India is a symbol of freedom for all people in India. The flag is hoisted each year by the Prime Minister of India on 15th August as a mark of national Independence Day. India has many ancient forts and palaces that are built by dynasties of various kings   and it is a proud place to carry one of the wonders of the world The Taj Mahal in the city of Agra which is a marble monument built by a king called Shahjahan.   There is also Red fort in the city of Agra, Palace of a king in the city of Mysore,   The Charminar in Hyderabad, and there many tourist places. There are many industries, corporate houses and five star restaurants and resorts homes which are contributing to the GDP growth and development of nation which is around 7-8 percent per annum.   India is an agricultural based country and in many parts of the country the yielded crop is lost due to either heavy rains, floods which is why there is a short supply of essential grains, pulses   and vegetables and Government in order to meet the needs of consumers, imports wheat, sugar and oil from outside of India. There is still below poverty line in India even after 60 years of independence and country continues build its public infrastructure and telecommunication systems. The national identity changes in each country, traditions, and how to maintain the idea – and What has globalization done to it? India has many problems within its political and economic system due to which the economic growth is not on the rapid rise. Indian currency rupee faces lot of inflation giving price rise in essential commodities which affect the common public who are mostly middle class which is a vast percentage in India. Luxury class is very small percentage and it is the middle class and poor people whose life styles are affected due political and economical imbalances.  Ã‚   The stability in national government is always a doubting factor for people each time elections are made as the opposition parties raise a voice in Parliament questioning each and every mode of development which makes it very difficult for ruling government. India has a unique national identity of Hinduism as a religion and secondly country’s largest democracy with 1.1 billion population, there are problems in drinking water, supply of electricity,   unsafe roads and lack of education for many people who reside in rural areas. Globalisation has enabled India to be recognized as a blue-chip place for computer technology as there are many software and hardware engineers, commencement of new and existing blue chip companies in the field of software and hardware technology and this has encouraged foreign nations to supply computers and accessories apart from Internet broadband. Further sales in mobiles, digital cameras, advanced facility telephones, televisions, VCDs and other electronic goods have become the status symbol and almost everyone has an electronic gadget whether it is a mobile or a camera which is the latest trend in India. Bollywood movies and film   stars are a heartthrob for overseas Indians. How are the nations responding towards the idea of National Identity Many foreigners visit India to take note of what is so special about India and after a travel, tourists find   food in India is good and available at a low price, Indians demonstrate a friendly gesture to foreigners although mannerisms and etiquette are not at par with that of foreign standards, it holds good for a temporary visit to India.   Many Hollywood celebrities visited India viz., Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Pierce Brosnan, Johny Depp, Nicole Kidman   and Will Smith apart from President Bush and Laura Bush who visited India in the year 2005 and India and U.S. have entered into a Nuclear Deal Agreement to supply nuclear fuel which is yet to be approved by Senate of U.S. India has an active stock market and Reserve Bank policies which give rise to sensex in stock exchanges. India has many industries in apparel, chemical, ready-to-eat food companies, FMCG, precious metals, five star, three star   hotels and many software based corporates while many still many being commenced apart from real estate sector   construction of small, medium and luxury homes. References Brian Stanley, Alaine M. Low, Missions, Nationalism, and the End of Empire Accessed May 2, 2008 India and Globalisation Accessed May 2, 2008   

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