Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Ancient Egyptian Cosmetic and Style Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Ancient Egyptian Cosmetic and Style - Essay Example The ancient Egyptian community was highly recognized and appreciated fro their high level of cleanliness and their concern to personal appearance for instance: It was a pre-requisite for he priests to be clean since they were considered to be a connection between the gods and the community. Additionally, in the ancient times, the Egyptians applied various methods in order to improve the level of their personal cleanliness, these methods were inclusive of: Shaving various body parts such as armpits, the genital area, beards and the head. Taking several baths a day was also considered pertinent in that it ensured that persons remain clean through out the day. Other methods such as the use of Ground Carob Pellets were also used to rub the skin in order to reduce body odor. Consequently, the use of cosmetics was extended to areas such as preparation of dead bodies for burial. Special body creams were used to cleanse the body before mummification an example is the burial of some three women from the Tuthmosis III Court in 1400 BC who were buried after being cleansed by using a very expensive cream made from a combination of oil and lime juice. There were various ancient Egyptian cosmetics that were used on different parts of the body ranging from facial to other body parts. These varieties included: Oil, lime juice, red ochre, henna, and kohl, white and black make-ups. Different techniques were applied to produce a variety of cosmetics. To begin with, the production of oil involved pressing the finest fruits or seeds such as the Moringa nuts which were combined with inorganic and organic materials that were grounded and used as pigments. Additionally, the production of Kohl; an eye paint was carried out through grinding some green malachite, cerussite, lead carbonate (white in color), galena (lead ore) and occasionally minimum amounts of laurinite and phosgenite. These materials were then ground into powder and mixed with

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