Saturday, September 28, 2019

Crosby Manufacturing Corporation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Crosby Manufacturing Corporation - Research Paper Example es comprising of financial reporting were discussed as they were in need of introducing computerized system for their projects’ financial reporting. The manager from MIS department talked about the feasibility study and addressed different costs related to the employment of the system. However, for further information, EDP department manager was consulted regarding vendor evaluation and a complete list was developed that acted as a benchmark in regard to the evaluation of the vendors and the employment of the system. The president however concluded the meeting by appointing Tim Emary as the project director and thereby disturbed the organizational structure. The decision of Wilfred Livingston about appointing Tim Emary as a project director was a mistake in a sense that when initially matrix structure was introduced, the organization was working quite well. Tim Emary was appointed as a planner in the organization. Later on MIS, EDP and other functional departments were informed regarding the appointment of Emary as a project director and this disturbed the organizational structure. It was a mistake on the part of president of the company because a planner can only plan the things but cannot head the projects because according to Kerzner (2009) the project manager is given the responsibility of managing company’s resources within prescribed time duration. Keeping in view this, it is not reasonable to appoint a planner as a project director because he can only plan the activities and cannot carry out proper allocation of the company’s resources for the execution of a project through line managers. The employees’ reaction after the appointment of the Tim Emary must be very shocking as the project manager appointed is always concerned with the allocation of the resources and a person in planning department cannot have an idea regarding where to employ resources efficiently because he lacks the required knowledge of important dimensions of the project and

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